...all CD releases

The new World Music CD from türkish Drummer Mesut Ali...
CD title: "ARARAT" 9 tracks
VÖ: 1.5.2023
Order Nr.: AZM - 0070
Preis: 12,- €
The 2. CD "Seconds" from the phillipin Composer/Singer Crystaliyne Clifton... Arrangements/musical director : Lito Tabora
CD title: "Live" 9 tracks
VÖ: 01.06.2021
Order Nr.: AZM - 0069
Preis: 10,- €
The new CD of the Neo-Classical Singer is a Homage to the 250. aneversery Birthday of the Poet...
CD title: "Hölderlin 250" 15 tracks
VÖ: 01.02.2021
Order Nr.: AZM - 0068
Preis: 15,- €
The 1. Live-CD from the" Neuköllner Band" around the Songwriter Kalle Kalkowski, recorded on the 11.10.20 at Körnerpark- Berlin Neukölln.
CD title: "Live" 12 tracks
VÖ: 15.01.2021
Order Nr.: AZM - 0067
Preis: 10,- €
Bettman`s last EP with a Bonustrack "Helden" by David Bowie
CD title: "Alle Kommen Frei..." 4 tracks
VÖ: 6.11.2020
Order Nr.: AZM - 0066
Preis: 5,- €
White Level
this CD is a mix of some coversongs and 1 original
CD title: "White Level" 6 tracks
Release: 28.6.2019
Ordernr.: AZM - 0065
Price: 6,- €
Yamirah Gercke
Tthe 2nd Solo-CD by Yamirah Gercke. Founder of the "BAD ASS FREAKS".
CD title: "Nowhere Local" 3 tracks
Release: 28.8.2019
Order No .: AZM - 0064
Price: 3, - €
Margarethe Pape
this CD is a mix of nu-classics and poetry
CD title: "Leuchtspur" 25 track
Release: 28.6.2019
Ordernr.: AZM - 0063
Price: 20,- €
The first Live-CD of the Berlin Coverband.
CD title: "LIVE 2018" 12 tracks
Release: 28.6.2019
Order No .: AZM - 0062
Price: 10, - €
EP-CD from Berlin`s "german rockers" Kalkowski & Bettman
EP title: "Linkeufer" 1 track
Release: 16.3.2019
Ordernr.: AZM - 0061
Price: 2,- €
This is the 1st Solo-CD by Yamirah Gercke. Founder of the "BAD ASS FREAKS".
CD title: "Pressure" 9 tracks
Release: 1.11.2018
Order No .: AZM - 0060
Price: 10, - €
Beauty Of The Lord
Single-CD from Berlin`s Beauty Of The Lord
CD Titel: "Happy Birthday" 1 track
Release: 20.10.2018
Ordernr.: AZM - 0059
Price: 2,- €
This is the 1st CD by the berlin keyboarder...
CD title: "Zeitfaktor" 5 tracks
Release: 1.9.2018
Order No .: AZM - 0058
Price: 8, - €
The new CD by Lenjes Robinson, member of the Bad Ass Freaks
CD title: "Metal & Frogs" 18 tracks
Release: 1.4.2018
Order No .: AZM - 0055
Price: 15, - €
The latest EP of the Berlin blues rock band, with the song "Lovin-Touchin-Squeezin" by Journey, "Brown Sugar" by the Stones and the classic "Juniors Wailing" by Steamhammer, in new interpretation of the lead singer / blues harp player Jonny Richter
CD Title: "Juniors Wailing" 3 tracks
Release: 1.4.2018
Order No .: AZM - 0056
Price: 4, - €
The new CD by Margarethe Pape & Frank Asmis, with songs from the 20s to the 50s intoned with wit.
CD title: "Jokes & Jewels" 18 tracks
Release: 1.4.2018
Order No .: AZM - 0055
Price: 15, - €
The first solo CD of the famous Berlin keyboardist, guitarist & singer
CD title: "Space Shuffle" 13 tracks
Release: 1.11.2017
Order No .: AZM - 0054
Price: 13, - €
The debut CD offers only original compositions by the three accomplished jazz musicians from Berlin.
CD Title: "Olé On The Rocks" "11 tracks
Release: 1.09.2017
Order No .: AZM - 0053
Price: 11, - €
or as mp3 download on all streamingplatforms
The funky jazzy sound of the Bad Ass Freaks Band is rounded out by Zam Johnson on Drums and Alex Will on Bass.
CD Title: "Neighbors" "12 tracks
Release: 1.05.2017
Order No .: AZM - 0051
Price: 12, - €
or as mp3 download on all streamingplatforms
The first CD of the living in Berlin Phillipina are original compositions of jazzy pop songs to danceable-soulful songs.
CD Title: "Heartbeat Has Wings" 10 tracks
Release: 1.5.2017
Order No .: AZM - 0050
Price: 10, - €
or as mp3 download on all streamingplatforms
The 1st CD of the Spandauer deutschrocker
CD Title: "Fuller than the Moon" 12 tracks
Release: 1.6.2017
Order No .: AZM - 0049
Price: 12, - €
The 2nd CD of german-rocker Roger le Rock
CD Title: "Always Next" 4 tracks
Released: 30.06.2016
Order No .: AZM - 0046
Price: 4, - €
or as mp3 download on all streamingplatforms
The 3rd CD of the Berlin Coverband with excellently interpreted songs from the 60`s, 70`s and 80`s
CD Title: "All Good Things Comes In Threes" 10 tracks
Released: 28.02.2016
Order No .: AZM - 0045
Price: 10, - €
The new songs by Joey Albrecht, including a German-speaking ...
CD title: "J.A.C." 3 titles
Released: 01.01.2016
Order No .: AZM - 0044
Price: 3, - €
The first CD of the band from Berlin on our label ... rock music "at it best"
CD Title: "Enjoy" 4 tracks
Released: 01.12.2015
Order No .: AZM - 0043
Price: 4, - €
The first CD of the musician from Africa, 5 songs solo recorded .. world music
CD Title: "Africa-Kaya Music" 5 tracks
Release: 01.4.2015
Order No .: AZM - 0042
Price: 5, - €
The 2nd CD of the band, songs from the 60`s to the 90`s
CD title: "a musical journey through time" 12 tracks
Released: 01.12.2014
Order No .: AZM - 0041
Price: 10, - €
The first CD as a solo artist by Roger R. - German Pop-Rock ...
CD title: "De Retoure" 11 tracks
Released: 01.07.2014
Order No .: AZM - 0040
Price: 10, - €
or as mp3 download on all streamingplatforms
This single-CD is dedicated to all amateur athletes whose dream is to participate once in the Ironman in Hawaii ...
CD Title: "Once In A Life" 1 title
Release: 20.5.13
Order No .: AZM - 0039
Price: 2, - €
The first solo CD from Rick Derman
CD Titel: "Pipe Dreams" 12 tracks
Release: 29.12.2012
Ordernr..: AZM - 0038
Price: 12,- €
The first solo CD from Margarethe Pape, the classic Piano & Vocalist from Berlin/Scottland
CD Titel: "Angel Guarded Gates" 18
Release: 21.12.2012
Ordernr..: AZM - 0037
Price: 16,- €
or as mp3 download on all streamingplatforms
CD Titel: "Sun Will Come" 10 tracks
Release: 1.10.2012
Ordernr..: AZM - 0036
Price: 12,-€
They use cleverly and always with a wink electronic elements to their instruments, the kitschy Bollywood sound rocking alienated or sweetening Western pop dawn.
CD "Injun Biscuit Factory" - 12 tracks
Release: 16.3.12
Order No .: AZM - 0035
Price: 12, - €
CD 1 Titel: "The moon..." 12 tracks
Release: 10.11.2010
Ordernr.: AZM - 0031
Price: 12,- €
CD 2 Titel: "...and the sun..." 12
Release: 10.11.2010
Ordernr.: AZM - 0032
Price: 12,- €
CD 3 Titel: "...and the stars" 12
Release: 10.11.2010
Ordernr.: AZM - 0033
Price: 12,- €
Margarethe Pape read & sings "The Fall of the House of Usher"
length 65 Min.
CD Titel: "The Fall of the House of
Usher" (in german) 1track
Release: 10.12.2009
Ordernr.: AZM - 0024
Price: 12,- €
Sadiq Bey/schwartzegeist performs the text through a variety of grammars and musical territories. A unique blend of electronic/acoustic possibilities frames the spoken word. Computers and keyboards team up with Jazz improvisation.
CD Titel: "Slow Rhe Ear" - 9 tracks
Release: 08.06.2009
Ordernr.: AZM - 0023
Price: 15,- €
or as mp3 download on all streamingplatforms
Berlin Rock sounds like "Mott the Hoople" in german
CD Titel: "Alle Kommen Frei..." - 12
Release: 01.01.2009
Ordernr.: AZM - 0022
Price: 12,- €
or as mp3 download on all streamingplatforms
CD Titel: "Klaviermusik" - 3 tracks lp
Release: 10.10.2008
Ordernr.: AZM - 0019
Price: 10,- €
or as mp3 download on all streamingplatforms
M.Pape sings and plaied William Blake lyrics in Nu Classic-style
CD Titel: "Bloodstained Buildings" - 20
Release: 10.09.2008
Ordernr.: AZM - 0018
Price: 12,- €
or as mp3 download on all streamingplatforms
M. Pape/Sopran, Frank Asmis/Piano - Nu Classic
CD Titel: "Die Kleptomanin & Co" -
21 tracks
Release: 10.09.2008
Ordernr.: AZM - 0017
Price: 12,- €
or as mp3 download on all streamingplatforms
AZM - 2.Sampler
Clubdance Jazz Berlin - grooviger nu-jazz sampler...
CD Titel: "Clubdance Jazz- Vol.1" - 4
Release: 2007
Ordernr.: AZM - 0015
Price: 8,- €
WDE - international Poetry Artists
CD Titel: "Urban Poems Vol.1" - 27
Release: 2007
Ordernr.: AZM - 0014
Price: 10,- €
or as mp3 download on all streamingplatforms
recording from a "secondlife" session
CD Titel: "Live in Hannover City"
Release: 2007
Ordernr.: AZM - 0013
Price: 8,- €
recording from a "secondlife" session
CD Titel: "Live in Hannover City"
Release: 2007
Ordernr.: AZM - 0012
Price: 8,- €
"Artificial Man" is a classic pop album with modern sounds to dance...
CD Titel: Artificial Man
Release: 2007
Ordernr.: AZM - 0010
Price: 10,- €
its a faszinating pop album
CD Titel: "Heat Society"
Release: 2007
Ordernr.: AZM - 0009
Price: 12,- €
Suria "the sun" is since 20 years mother of 7 kids, the power for her lyrics is a gift of the inspiral ghost...
some songs composed by "Bettman"
CD Titel: „Surialismus“
Release: 2006
Ordernr.: AZM 0007
Price: 8,- €
TABOO is creating an entirely new symbiosis of American and European music in the electronic context. -DemoCD-
CD Titel: „Taboo 1“
Release: 2006
Ordernr.: AZM - 0006
Price: 10,- €
His current program “Love Songs, Soul and Trouble” includes own compositions and a slightly bitter selection of songs of Scottish singer and songwriter Frankie Miller, who is paralysed since a serious stroke and cannot make music anymore.
CD Titel: Lucky Gets Blue
Release: 2005
ordernr.: AZM - 0005
Price: 10,- €
Zam Johnson is Composer spez. for Theatermusic like "Borderless Split Brain" with Minako Seki.
CD Titel: „Music for Borderless Split
Release: 2005
Ordernr.: AZM - 0004
Price: 10,- €
The CD "Zeitlos" of this excellent American saxophonist is a compilation of 12 vintage jazz melodies, such as "Look of Love", "Angel Eyes", "I’m in a Sentimental Mood" and others, arranged in a modern soul setting; ... and as Gary says: "stress relieving music"
CD Titel: "Zeitlos"
Release: 2004
Ordernr.: AZM - 0002
Price: 10,- €
or as mp3 download on all streamingplatforms
1.Sampler from Allzeit Musik Berlin with international musicians living in Berlin/Kreuzberg
CD Titel: „neue Musikplaneten im
Release: 2004
Ordernr.: AZM - 0001
Price: 10,- €
or as mp3 download on all streamingplatforms